Contact Us
Find your care
We treat CTD-ILD using a comprehensive approach and individualized care plans. Call us at 310-825-5800 to connect with an expert.
Location & Contact Information
The UCLA CTD-ILD Program is located in Westwood at:
200 UCLA Medical Plaza, Suite 365 (3rd floor)
Los Angeles, CA 90095
(310) 825-5800

We ask you to come to your first appointment at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time so you have time to meet our staff members and complete necessary paperwork.
Get map & directions, enter your location:
(e.g. 555 Pico Ave, Los Angeles CA)
For a list of contact information relating to the comprehensive patient care services offered through the CTD-ILD Program, please see below.
CTD-ILD Clinical Coordinator
Grace Ibrahim
Phone: (310) 825-5800
Fax: (310) 206-5088
[email protected]
CTD-ILD Research Coordinator
Eileen Callahan, CCRP
Phone: (310) 794-2466
Fax: (310) 794-2468
[email protected]
Pulmonary Function Lab
200 UCLA Medical Plaza, Suite 302
Los Angeles, CA 90095
(310) 794-9721
Radiology (Chest CT Scans) Locations:
100 Medical Plaza, Suite 100
200 Medical Plaza, Suite B1 level
(310) 301-6800