Connective Tissue Disease-Interstitial Lung Disease (CTD-ILD) Patient Resources
Find your care
We treat CTD-ILD using a comprehensive approach and individualized care plans. Call us at 310-825-5800 to connect with an expert.
Helpful CTD-ILD Program Information For Patients
The Connective Tissue Disease-Interstitial Lung Disease (CTD-ILD) Program is an integrative, patient-oriented program that affords patients with CTD-ILD the opportunity receive comprehensive and coordinated care by experts in CTD-ILD.
Our team includes pulmonologists, rheumatologists, radiologists, pathologists, statisticians, nurses and staff members, who are all dedicated to improving your health care.

- Make an appointment to come to the CTD-ILD Program
- Meet Our Team
- Eligibility
- Pre-visit Checklist
- Program Questionnaires
- Location and Contact Information
- Frequently Asked Questions
To schedule an appointment, please call the primary coordinator for the CTD-ILD Program at (310) 825-5800.